Dr. Ammar Aamer: Digital Transformation and Project Management

Dr. Ammar Aamer: Digital Transformation and Project Management

The fast pace of technology advancement coupled with today’s disruptive working environment is driving organizations increasingly toward digital transformation and the use of emerging technologies. A recent survey showed that project managers have high expectations of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Blockchain, Data Science, and Digital Twin. Academic researchers have also predicted that emerging technologies will fit well with project management. Nonetheless, we still do not have a clear understanding of HOW emerging technologies impact leadership and project management. One of our objectives is to bring practitioners and scholars to the global leadership and project management symposium to discuss and share insights, best practices, lessons learned, and research about how the emerging technologies will impact the leadership and project management fields.”

Ammar Aamer, Ph.D., PMP, CSSBB

Dr. Les Stein: Success Through Leadership

Dr. Les Stein: Success Through Leadership

Les Stein

Successful transformations can only be accomplished through great leadership. As Jim Collins has so clearly stated, putting the right people on the bus is the critical ingredient to any organization’s success.  We believe that putting the right people in leadership positions is the first step.  Learn more about how to do this at the Global Leadership and Project Management Symposium.

Dr. Sarman Kennedyd: Agile Project Management is Here to Stay!

Dr. Sarman Kennedyd: Agile Project Management is Here to Stay!

Agile practices and innovation go hand in hand as adapting and fine-tuning products or ideas are the approach common in both in innovation and the iterative nature of the agile practices.

Agile practices can also be adapted to many different fields beyond the software and product development areas, where prevalently nowadays practiced. In fact, there are a lot of emerging research that found agile practices are adaptable to a wide array of fields. For instance, the classroom education where teaching courses can be iterative and adapted weekly basis. Also, the construction industry has been adapting to agile approaches. Furthermore, agile approaches can be combined from the more flexible Kanban to the more scripted Scrum, for instance into ScrumBan, or waterfall hybrid with Scrum in ScrumFall, thus adapting the agile practices to fit into more diverse environments for different purposes and uses. The possibilities are limitless; however, the adoption process has been somewhat lagging.

Exploring more in those ideas is what this blog will be contributing to the conversation.

Dr. Sarman Kennedyd