The fast pace of technology advancement coupled with today’s disruptive working environment is driving organizations increasingly toward digital transformation and the use of emerging technologies. A recent survey showed that project managers have high expectations of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Blockchain, Data Science, and Digital Twin. Academic researchers have also predicted that emerging technologies will fit well with project management. Nonetheless, we still do not have a clear understanding of HOW emerging technologies impact leadership and project management. One of our objectives is to bring practitioners and scholars to the global leadership and project management symposium to discuss and share insights, best practices, lessons learned, and research about how the emerging technologies will impact the leadership and project management fields.”
Dear Professor Ammar Aamer,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe,
beforehand, I’d like to thank you and thank all well-respected Northeastern university Staff for creating this valuable forum to discuss and interact with each other.
The heated topic you discussed about above, is a vital issue, needed to be strategicly planned and holisticly reviewed by many experienced and highly-skilled experts.
As an incoming student, in my opinion, the fast pace of technology advancement is similar to when we drive fast, we increase the chance of an accident reclessly, so sometimes, It would be cautious to put the brake on , and reflect deeply to see the road-map precisely, and to adapt more with unchangeble characteristics of the road with great insight into the way we process the sustainability, though, It wouldn’t be that plain process, cause many intertwined facrors involved and make this process complex, but dependend on collective wisdom of the experts and visionaries, the leadership and project management can be analysed by clear understanding of major factors which directly affects the digital transformation while compromising the trade-off between human capacity, nature and technology
. in an absolute sense, the emerging technologies such as Artificial intelligence should serve for the betterment and the quality of healthy life, rather than the quantity of the churned out consumer products. The humanity issues and nature reserves are highly valued by today’s governments, and a sustainable management goes with green industrial ecology, by using emerging technologies appropriately and in right place.
Ms Banialhosseini
Dear Ms. Banialhosseini,
Interesting thoughts and analogy. Further research is warranted to enhance our “understanding of major factors affecting digital transformation while compromising the trade-off between human capacity, nature, and technology.”
Ammar Aamer